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Creating a Website

Let's create a web page using the design you've created in Figma.


In the following sections, we'll be using the Workbench UI Kit, an official design template provided by Workbench.

Please use this as a resource to learn how to use Workbench.

Opening the Site Editing Screen

Open the Figma file you want to use, and navigate to the page containing the frames you ultimately want to use for your web pages.


Currently, the Workbench plugin can only select frames that are on the open page. If your frames are spread across multiple pages, please consolidate them onto a single page beforehand.

Open the Figma plugin and click the button to create a site.

Button to create a site

You'll then see a screen like this:

Initial display of site editing

Page Settings

Next, let's configure the page settings.

On the left side of the editing screen, you'll see a list of pages. The page information is displayed as follows:

Page information

  1. Web Page Path This is the page path when it becomes a website. / means the homepage. In the case of /page, it will be converted to a page accessible at
  2. Breakpoint This is the name of the breakpoint.
  3. Frame The name of the frame linked to this breakpoint is displayed here.
  4. AutoLayout Status This shows whether the selected frame is using AutoLayout or not.

To add a new page, click the + button in the top right. You can create a new page by selecting the path and the breakpoint you want to use.

Creating a new page

To edit an existing page, right-click on the breakpoint of that page and select edit.

Editing page information

About Breakpoints

Workbench supports responsive sites. It's possible to switch the displayed frame according to the screen width. The screen width breakpoints are as follows:

BreakpointCorresponding Screen Width
PC993px ~
Tablet578px ~ 992px
Mobile~ 577px

Checking the Preview

Once you've completed the page settings, let's check how the created web page will be displayed.

You can check the preview for a breakpoint by clicking on it.

Checking the preview